Smart Product History System 智慧產品履歷管理系統
影像辨識管理 Appearance Identify

Use the high-pixel camera lens of the mobile device to read the photos in advance to create a sample, and then use the visual recognition program to compare with the real object in time.
不良紀錄管理 Defect Manage

Using the mobile device to connect product inspection terminal and defective maintenance terminal, and input and inquiry defective records instantly, then upload to the cloud for the defective contents and photos, establish product maintenance history in real time completely.
物流紀錄管理 Logistic Manage

This system includes shipping and purchasing, it’s convenience for using a mobile device to connect to the network, reading the ERP database instantly, and the related data is downloaded to the mobile device immediately for shipment by the App.
條碼紀錄管理 Barcode Manage

Using mobile device to replace the traditional notebook and barcode reader, and recognize product barcode directly. When we bundle products, it helps to us to put correct accessories and keep actual weight management.